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Joshi, N. V.




i. The 1984 letter to Xavier J R Avula requests him to consider an enclosed abstract for a poster presentation at the 5th International Conference for Mathematical Modelling. ii. The 1985 letters to Xavier J R Avula contains queries related to registration, different events at the conferences, and request related to Joshi's presentation. iii. The 1985 letters to the Divisional Chairman of Physics and Mathematical Sciences at the Indian Institute of Science contain requests to sanction funds for the Berkley Mathematical Conference registration. Also contains details about leave for the conference. Attached are the application forms for the conference and the acceptance letter of the paper submitted by N V Joshi. iv. The 1986 letters to Robin F A Moritz contain details about travel grants, abstract submission, responses to comments about presentations, and collection of air travel tickets related to an IUSSI-organised symposium titled "Sociogenetics in Insects". Also contains handwritten drafts of some of the letters. v. The 1986 letters to Christian Czoppelt contain details about abstract submissions, funds for travel and accommodation, and ticket procurement from the Air India office for travel related to an IUSSI-organised symposium titled "Sociogenetics in Insects". Also contains handwritten drafts of some of the letters. vi. The 1986 letters to H Rembold contain a response to the formal invitation for the IUSSI event and details about financial support. vii. The 1986 letter to the Executive Secretary of the Indian National Science Academy, Sales Manager at Air India, Chairman of Physical and Mathematical Studies, IISc, and the German consulate contains details about logistics related to the IUSSI conference and symposium event. viii. Contains drafts telegrams by N V Joshi to Christian Czoppelt. Along with it is a receipt of an American Express Traveller's cheque. ix. The 1986 letter to Ashok Kolaskar enquires about the transfer of protein and DNA sequence data. x. The 1987 letter to S Mathavan informs him about N V Joshi's inability to attend the UGC Workshop due to his trip to Panama. xi. Contains two letters to Robert Axelrod giving him permission to cite N V Joshi's unpublished works. xii. Contains an undated handwritten draft letter to the Chairman of the Physics and Mathematical Sciences division, IISc related to the Berkley Mathematical Modelling Conference.


4 December 1984, 12 March 1985, April 26, 1985, 1 July 1985, 18 July 1985, 30 August 1985, 27 January 1986, 12 February 1986, 24 March 1986, 26 March 1986, 2 April 1986, 7 April 1986, 2 July 1986, 17 July 1986, 28 July 1986, 29 July 1986, 5 August 1986, 13 August 1986, 12 December 1986, 12 January 1987, 23 March 1988, Undated


N V Joshi Papers


Series 1: Correspondence


Sub-Series 2: 1980 to 1989

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