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Research Publications -- 1982




Contains reprints of the following: i. An article titled "Theoretical Studies on Beta-Lactam Antibiotics VI: Conformational Analysis and Structure-Activity Relationships of Penicillin Sulfoxides and Cephalosporins" by N V Joshi and V S R Rao in Journal of Biosciences, Volume 4, Issue 2. ii. A book chapter titled "A Comparative Study of Social Structure in Colonies of Ropalidia" by Raghavendra Gadagkar and N V Joshi from the book "The Biology of Social Insects" edited by Michael D Breed, Charles D Michener, and Howard E Evans. iii. An article titled "Behaviour of the Indian Social Wasp Ropalidia cyathiformis on a Nest of Separate Combs (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)" by Raghavendra Gadagkar and N V Joshi in Journal of Zoology, Volume 198. iv. An article titled "Dosage Compensation and Sex Determination in Drosophila: Mechanism of Measurement of the X/A Ratio" by Raghavendra Gadagkar, Vidyanand Nanjundiah, N V Joshi, and H Sharat Chandra in Journal of Biosciences, Volume 4, Issue 3. v. An article titled "Observations on the Natural History and Population Ecology of the Social Wasp Ropalidia marginata (Lep.) from Peninsular India (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)" by Raghavendra Gadagkar, Madhav Gadgil, N V Joshi, and A S Mahabal in Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Animal Sciences, Volume 91, Issue 6.


June 1982, August 1982, September 1982, November 1982


N V Joshi Papers


Series 2: Research and Administration


Sub-Series 1: N V Joshi's Research Publications

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