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Gore, Anil
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i. The 1991 letter to N V Joshi exchanged pleasantries and contains Anil Gore's assessment of the Konkan Railway. Mentions Raghavendra Gadagkar, Uma Shankar, and Ganeshaiah.
ii. Another 1991 letter congratulates N V Joshi for his promotion to Assistant Professor.
iii. The 1992 letter to N V Joshi exchanges pleasantries. Attached are two newspaper clippings. Mentions Veena and Rama.
iv. The 1994 letter to N V Joshi asks for his acknowledgment for attending a workshop.
v. The 1995 letters to N V Joshi exchange pleasantries. Also asks his opinion on some questions and contains Anil Gore's opinions on a paper about groundnuts.
7 May 1991, 18 January 1991, 25 March 1992, 1 July 1994, 17 February 1995, 23 March 1995
N V Joshi Papers
Series 1: Correspondence
Sub-Series 3: 1990 to 1999
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