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Application to CSIR scientists pool




Contains documents of CV and abstract of Krishnaja's thesis tpowards the application of CSIR pool officer. Contains correspondence with CSIR regarding the application, along with letters sent by Krishnaja approaching different labs/institutes for placement as the pool officer. Includes letters to and from D M Vasudevan, head of research division at Regional Cancer Centre (RCC). Contains a letter from P K Sukumaran to D M Vasudevan, recommending Krishnaja for a position at their laboratory, (where Krishnaja has opted for working as a CSIR pool officer) at the RCC, Thiruvananthapuram, upon suggestion of S K Nigam, whose letter is also present. Contains correspondence bwteen Sukumaran and M V I Mammi regarding a senior scientific officer posotion that Krishnaja could apply to; also discusses his work on sickle cell anemia.Contains the newpaper notice of recruitment to the scientists' pool, by CSIR, along with postal ackowledgment receipts of the applications sent.


November 7 1981 - July 20 1982


Krishnaja A P Papers


Series 1: Correspondence


Sub-Series 1: 1976 - 82

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